7 steps to purchasing an Excavator or backhoe thumb from MiniExcavatorThumbs.com August 18 2014, 0 Comments

Lets be honest. Some of us in the construction industry aren't the most computer davy but we can still poke around on the internet. We hear it all the time at the shop when someones placing an order.  So we've gone through the trouble of outlining exactly how you can purchase one of our amazing thumbs in seven easy steps.

Steps to Purchasing a Thumb Attachment

1.Measure your machine to see what size Mini excavator thumb you need- Measuring Instructions

Guys email us all the time saying things like hey, i have a kubota kx 41-2v. What size thumb do I need? We can look up the specs and tell you what the machine calls for but odds are it's got a different bucket then when it was shipped from the factory or maybe it has a quick connect. Factors like these will change they required size thumb for your excavator or back hoe. So remember measure twice and cut once, or in this case purchase once haha.

2.Select the type of thumb required for your specific needs (ex. Mechanical Mini or Hydraulic)

To do this you will need to first think about what you'll be using the thumb for. Is this just an occasional need to help you move some logs around the yard? In that case you may want to consider the Mechanical Mini Excavator or Backhoe thumb. Or maybe your using it on a landscape construction project and you need some more muscle moving those odd shape boulders around. I would suggest our fully hydraulic mini excavator or backhoe thumb. In either case it all comes down to what your machine is equipped for. If you don't have a fitting for hydraulic lines on your stick odds are you'll need a mechanical thumb.

3.Select the correct size to purchase (ex. 16" , 18" , 24 " ...)

On our website simply click on the products tab in the menu bar, select the type of thumb your looking for then click on it. That will bring you to a page with product pictures and specs. Right above the buy now button you'll notice a box with a drop down aero, this will allow you to select the correct size and give you the pricing. 

4.Add to Cart and enter in Credit Card or Pay Pal information.

We make it easier then ever to pay for your new mini excavator or backhoe thumb. Simply add the item you'd like to purchase to your shopping cart, enter in your credit card information add click the buy now button. 

5.$60.00 S+H to anywhere in the Nation

We delivery to anywhere in the United states. It typically take between 5-10 business day depending on the order and location you'd like it shipped to receive your thumb. 

6.We will send you an invoice via email and an email once we have shipped your item

We keep you informed every step of the way.

7.Install your new thumb > Installation Instructions

Follow the easy instructions in the link above to install your new thumb


There you go. Seven easy steps to place an order with Miniexcavatothumbs.com


-Mr. Mini Excavator