Mini Excavator Thumb for sale in New York - Equipment Attachments January 23 2015, 0 Comments

Mechanical Excavator thumb for sale New YorkThe economy seems to be back on its way up, just take a look at the trop in fuel prices. This is good news for contractors in the New York area. What this means is that hopefully it brings with it added work and new opportunity for your company. 

With these new opportunities you may need to reevaluate if your getting the most out of your equipment in the form of productivity and efficiency. 

If your tired of spending way to much time on a site due to damaged material or slow operating speeds, adding a thumb attachment to your compact excavator could improve turn around ten fold. 

Some benefits of adding a thumb attachment to your excavator or backhoe include:

  • Increased value of your Machine
  • Improved operating and control
  • Added stability and security of material
  • Over all safety on site due to secured material
  • Faster productivity 

At we offer factory direct prices on all thumbs up to 45% off the MSRP.   Add to that FREE shipping nation wide within 5-7 business days and it becomes clear that we operate with our customers in mind through the ordering process. 

Compact Thumb Features: 

  • Heavy duty rigged design
  • Formed mounting plates (not welded) 
  • 7" wide 1/2" USA High Grade Steel 
  • Hydraulic Thumb Attachments 
  • Mechanical Thumb Attachments 
  • Made in the USA
  • Sizes 18" - 36" 

Prices start from $365 on Mechanical thumbs and $585 on Basic Hydraulic Thumbs.

To get the most accurate size we suggest you measure your machine for a thumb attachment. If you find that you need something bigger than we offer don't worry. We will custom build a larger thumb for your needs. 

Our goal here is to deliver as much value to our customers as we can, in hopes to secure your business for years to come. If you have any questions or need a quote give Andrew a call at (216) 210-6776.