JCB 212s Backhoe Loader 36" Thumb Attachment June 02 2015, 5 Comments

JCB 212 BackhoeJCB makes a great backhoe but a backhoe is only useful if it can handle the many jobs that come its way. So how do you go from only being able to dig, scoop and load to really getting things done? You add a an equipment attachment. It's all about having the right tool for the job. Here at we build a quality 36" Thumb Attachment for a JCB 212s Backhoe so you can focus on the task at hand. It's a simple as welding it on and getting back to work. 

We suggest a 36" Thumb for your JCB based off the operating weight of this machine. Please keep in mind its always best to measure your machine twice and purchase a thumb that fits your machine once. Once you know the correct length of your machine requires you will need to choose the style thumb you desire based on your specific needs and price point. 

JCB 36" Thumb Styles 

  • JCB - Manual Thumb
  • JCB - Semi Hydraulic Thumb
  • JCB - Fully Hydraulic 

Everyone has different needs, thats why we offer a wide variety of styles. The Most popular are the Manual and the Fully Hydraulic style thumbs. The Manual thumb adjusts to three different positions and requires you to remove the pin the adjust the angle of the attachment. The semi-hydraulic thumb can be adjusted from your machine however it requires you to remove the pin for full retraction. Finally the Fully Hydraulic thumb is fully adjustable with the use of hydraulic from the angle to full retraction. Keep in mind all thumb can be pined against the stick of the machine when no in use. 

No matter what style you choose you can go wrong at prices up to 45% off the MSRP. We like to tell our customers that we are in the business of providing a quality product at a great price making it a true value in the market place from guys using it around the yard, to farms, landscapers and contractors alike. Simply put we move mountains for our customers.